Monday, July 30, 2007

Who is Who ?

I know how some of you hate reading fictions with unrealistic characters. Even more so with a Narrator who you can hardly identify with. You don't even know whether your Narrator is a he or she or an umbrella.

When I talk about the Narrator with people I know, they often find it irritating that they start screaming 'I do not want his stupid voice in my head !!'

It pains my heart when I hear things like that.

Our lives might be different in many ways. But there are also many experiences in the Narrator's fictions that we all shared. All our lives have had a good deal of struggles and frustrations.

The Narrator has a lot plans for Dumbville. Like there will be a library here, and a fitness center over there.

I hope this will make you understand The Narrator, and to continue your support to the community. Thank You !

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