Sunday, June 29, 2008

Lonely Planet

If you look really hard into The Planet, you will see The Narrator. Unfortunately, you can not. Unless you managed to zoom in 500%. Which is impossible. Why? The Planet is only a low res file. But what's the texture of the planet like? Like the cat's tongue. Does it hurt to live on the planet? Yes. Doesn't it make The Narrator temperamental? Yes, but it is also part of the creative process. Does it have anything to do with faith? No. Money? Yes. Will bright colors T shirt change his mood? No. Flowers? No. Puppies? No. Popcorns? Maybe. Will The Planet ever explodes? Yes, when it collides with the giant rainbow. Will it still feel like the cat's tongue? No, the whole planet becomes a Velcro. Can The Narrator ever run away from The Planet? Only if he is strong enough to wrestle the Velcro. Can he hear you? Not if you super poke him. Will anyone ever make this story into a movie? No, but if there's ever gonna be one, The Narrator will only be on set no earlier than 9am. Oily breakfast? Not a chance.


Farlala said...

Still going on about the rainbows, eh..

Y I R E N said...

Still have that ugly aussie accent ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh