Friday, September 18, 2009

The Boy In The Bed Time Story Is Upset

The boy is upset. He hopes to pick up something. A book. A surprise. Or Television. Something to takes his mind over. But he is too upset to pick up any of those. Perhaps the narrator can write in a different way. Something to show us the happier side of the boy. Having said that however, the narrator thinks he already set the tone of the story at the beginning. It will take time to change. And its already 15 minutes over the narrator's bed time.

Is there any way to make the boy happy? No. The narrator does not write something that he does not feel right. Maybe. Just maybe. We can be wrong, but it is possible that there is this little boy underneath the narrator who was really distressed by the you-know-what-but-can't-tell.

The narrator does not wish to make a whole out of this yet. When the time comes, we will find out more about the boy's trouble. But unfortunately there are many, many days that the narrator doesn't even go near to any story. If you are serious about the ending, I suggest you ransack your personal experience and write one yourself.

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